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The world’s most advanced Steel Frame building system

Rapid construction, the smart way.

The Deepblue Smarthouse system helps you deliver large scale cold formed steel (CFS) construction projects faster with its advanced steel framing automated process.

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Key Advantages of Light Steel Frame Systems

In the evolving world of construction, light steel frame (LSF) systems represent a revolutionary shift towards more sustainable, efficient, and flexible building methods. Deepblue Smarthouse utilizes this cutting-edge technology to offer superior prefab and modular homes. Here, we explore the numerous benefits and applications of light steel framing in modern building projects.


Speed of Construction

Light steel frames significantly reduce construction times. Components can be prefabricated in a factory and assembled quickly on-site, slashing project timelines and allowing faster occupancy.



Although the initial cost of light steel might be higher than traditional materials, the overall cost benefits become evident through reduced labor requirements and less construction waste. Additionally, the precision of steel framing minimizes costly errors during the building process


Durability and Strength

Steel offers exceptional strength-to-weight ratios and does not warp, shrink, or twist over time. This durability translates into structures that maintain their integrity over decades, resisting environmental impacts like earthquakes, winds, and snow loads.



Steel is one of the most sustainable building materials as it is 100% recyclable without loss of quality. The use of light steel frames also reduces on-site waste and promotes a cleaner construction site compared to traditional building methods.


Design Flexibility

Steel offers exceptional strength-to-weight ratios and does not warp, shrink, or twist over time. This durability translates into structures that maintain their integrity over decades, resisting environmental impacts like earthquakes, winds, and snow loads.


Energy Efficiency

Steel is one of the most sustainable building materials as it is 100% recyclable without loss of quality. The use of light steel frames also reduces on-site waste and promotes a cleaner construction site compared to traditional building methods.

Applications in Construction

Light steel frames are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of building types, including:



Why DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE light gauge steel framing?

Very simply, a light gauge steel frame is a high-quality product. It represents value for money and brings peace of mind. A light gauge steel frame is light and strong: it will not burn; it is termite, borer, and fungus-proof; and it will not shrink or warp. It is environmentally responsible, low on life cycle energy usage, recyclable and saves timber resources. A DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame frame is between 33%-50% of the weight of a comparable timber frame, with a far higher strength to weight ratio,and more than 60% lighter than concrete building. Steel features one of the highest strengths to weight ratio of any conventional building product. Steel is incredibly accurate with tolerances in the 10ths of a millimeter, not in 10s of millimeters. Your window and door openings will be precisely placed, perfectly square (or perfectly tapered depending on your design) meaning fitting will be faster and easier. Because steel doesn’t warp, twist, bow or settle you will experience less ‘nail pops’ requiring rectification. You will also experience drastically reduced instances of doors and windows sticking as the house settles, because a steel frame never ‘settles’, its engineered to maintain its dimensions for the lifespan of the building.


Steel is 100% recyclable (in its purest sense) and has a virtually infinite life span; it’s the most recycled product on the planet. Termite treated timber is un-recyclable (straight to landfill) and almost all other timbers are only down-cyclable.


Steel is 100% termite PROOF, requires $0 of termite treatment and $0 of ongoing termite maintenance.


Steel is 100% non-combustible, it will not burn or ‘char’ and it will not contribute to a fire, or the spread of fire. In a bush-fire, ember attack to a steel house frame and roof space will not ignite the frame.




What underlies the quality of a light gauge steel frame?

Light Gauge Steel is an engineered product, not an organic one.  Being engineered means movement over time is eliminated, as a steel frame will not settle like other products.

Alum. Zinc galvanized Steel is in a Light Gauge Steel (LGS) Frame Solutions frame. The components are precision manufactured and assembled to very tight tolerances using advanced techniques. DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame uses the most advanced framing system available in the world today, combining design and engineering software and an automated roll former to produce frames, trusses and joists quickly and accurately. Strength and performance are engineered into the frame, allowing DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame to provide the best possible product to its customers.




What’s the lifetime of light gauge steel frame system?

Alum. Zinc coated steel used in DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame’s wall frames and trusses come with over 80years life-time  




Will a light gauge steel frame rust?

DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame’s LGS frames are made of steel protected against corrosion by a hot-dipped metallic coating of a zinc-aluminum alloy. In external applications such as roofing, these products are exposed to the elements and have excellent durability, so in less exposed applications such as inside the building envelope they weather more slowly. Where there are cut edges, the galvanic action, or sacrificial protection, of the coatings protects the exposed steel edge against corrosion.




Is a steel frame noisier than other stud frame buildings?

No – this is one of the most ‘popular’ myths of light gauge steel framing. DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame's light gauge steel frames are no noisier than other stud frames and there is some evidence to suggest the contrary.  


Steel expands and/or contracts as the temperature changes. Is this a problem?

In a properly constructed and insulated home by DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame, thermally induced movement is not an issue. Steel is engineered, inorganic, will not rot, warp, twist, bow, shrink or settle. There will be far reduced instances of plaster or cornice cracking because steel doesn’t change state during its lifespan, which means it is highly unlikely that there will be noise, and in fact, because a steel frame doesn’t settle over time you enjoy LESS issues with movement such as sticking doors, windows and so on.




Termites can still attack the rest of a home so do steel frames make much difference?

The truth is there is nothing as catastrophic as the destruction of the primary structure of a house – the frame. Destruction of the frame by termites can be silent and invisible to the eye. Rectification of the frame can require complete replacement of other building components such as plumbing, electrical, plasterboard, skirting, architraves, kitchens, bathrooms, tiling and painting. However, DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame’s LGS frame is 100% termite-proof, ensuring no damage at all is done to the frame of the home through termites.




Can the customer erect a house frame?

Sure!  The customer can install our system. Panels are easily handled and are clearly identified for assembly, with pre-punched electrical and plumbing service holes. Roof trusses are easily identified and easily secured to support the walls. Ceiling and roof battens are easily fixed to the trusses.

You don’t need to know how to be a carpenter to erect a steel frame for your house. You require far less carpentry skills to construct a LGS frame compared to constructing timber frame as you don’t need to deal with the issues of wood warping, twisting and shrinking.


Will I be able to renovate later down the track with a steel framed house?

Yes. DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame’s framing allows for larger spans, meaning a home can often be designed without interior load bearing walls. This makes alterations easier without affecting the structure in any way. Furthermore, the existing steel structure will remain straight and true regardless of its age, making the job of lining up the extension easier than for conventional timber framing.


How much flexibility do I have with design?

Freedom of floor plan and architectural style is practically unlimited. DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame can produce almost any 1 to 3-storey home design seen in the housing market today. Furthermore, it is possible to produce designs in steel that are difficult with other materials. By taking advantage of this feature, the owner can often build with less expense than by using more conventional materials.




Have steel framed buildings been proven over time?

Yes. In USA, steel structure has been used successfully in housing since the early 1950s. The Light gauge steel framing industry has a well-earned reputation for being highly innovative. DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame’s LGS framing represents the results of years of research, testing and product improvement. It is a thoroughly engineered product.  


How does a steel frame perform in a fire?

Steel is completely non-combustible, doesn’t burn or “char” and confirms to any and all non-combustibility requirements.  Being non-combustible means the frame will not contribute to the fire or its spreading, and will not release smoke and carbon dioxide such as will happen with a timber frame.  


Will a light gauge steel frame perform in any climate?

Yes. Not surprisingly steel is the preferred framing material in the extreme climate of middle east, for example, where temperatures can vary more than 50 degrees Celsius in a single day.




Will my builder charge more for building a steel frame?

Competitive pricing is generally available from progressive builders for standard house designs. Progressive builders are aware that steel frames are the way of the future, and are generally prepared to quote competitively: a premium product at a competitive price.




Do homes with steel look different?

Yes, they look better. Walls, ceilings and roofs do not have ripples or bumps in them and there are no “nail pops” in the plasterboard linings. Roofs of steel-framed homes do not sag over time, even under concrete tiles, so the finished job continues to look good. Steel house frames will not change or move over time, so gaps will not open up letting air in. Insulating products work by creating a barrier between temperatures. Over time, a frame which can settle and move will create openings, which will allow air to travel through, thus rendering insulating products far less affective. Steel will not settle over time allowing other complementing products to continue performing how they were designed and specified. In fact because of DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame’s steel’s strength, you can design your home with larger open spaces whilst the exterior looks like any normal home, only better!




Does lightning strike affect a DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame home?

No. Because steel is a positive conductor to the earth. The energy is conducted straight to the ground and is not released destructively within the frame as in conventional framing or cladding.




Is a light gauge steel frame safe when exposed to a live electric wire?

Yes. LGS frames are safe because they are earthed. It is a requirement that all new housing be fitted with circuit breaking safety devices, so there is little chance of you touching anything live. A broken or pierced wire in a timber frame can remain live and leaking current can cause troublesome faults and fire risk.




I am a builder.  Why should I build in steel?

Steel frames represent the future of house framing. Continual product improvements and consumer awareness means that demand for steel-framed homes will keep increasing. People are more conscious than ever of the ever-increasing threat from termites. You can build the major termite management into the building, rather than add it on with zero maintenance required, ever. A DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame house is a quality product that delivers to the customer long-term peace of mind and cost savings. Call backs are reduced and your reputation can be enhanced.


Although steel frames require slightly different techniques, they are quick and easy to erect. A DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE Steel Frame steel wall is straight and true and has continuous nogs and flush connections, meaning cladding materials attach faster and easier. Because steel has consistent strength and complies with strict standards and tight tolerances, every stud is a good stud. LGS frames are lightweight and easy to handle, time is not lost sorting to select suitable pieces, there is no need to straighten framework on-site, and wastage of material is reduced and there is very little scrap on site. Builders will appreciate the lightweight frames being faster and easier to erect.  A 7.5-metre wall frame can easily be carried and installed by two men; trusses can be lifted into place by hand.




Does a steel frame interfere with radio or television reception?

No. Electro-magnetic waves can diffract around steel as easily as timber. Waves pass through the spaces between the studs, allowing the use of all household appliances without any interference.  Performance is no different to any other building.




Will Light Gauge Steel Framing affect the air quality inside my home?

Since steel frames do not need to be treated for termites, this makes your home a resin and chemical free environment.  As a steel frame doesn’t sag over time, gaps in the frames aren’t opened up, therefore letting in less dust.


Does a steel frame interfere with Wi-Fi reception?

Steel framing is used widely all over the world. There have never been any reports of interference and there is no reason why this should occur.




Can I hang pictures on my walls?

A heavy weighted picture, which will require a bolt or hanger to be used, can be screwed straight into a stud. Studs are easily located with magnets.


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